An Inosiders view with Ener-G-Africa
We sat down with Amina Ali, the dynamic Compliance and PR Manager of Ener-G-Africa, who are pioneering sustainable energy solutions in Africa. Learn about their life at Powder Mill below.

Bruce Sneddon
May 4, 2023

Ener-G-Africa's versatile warehouse space at Powder Mill
Ener-G-Africa's versatile warehouse space at Powder MillWe recently had the opportunity to visit Ener-G-Africa, situated at Powder Mill in Ndabeni. Ener-G-Africa has built a strong relationship with Inospace and have made their space their own.
Ener-G-Africa is a leading provider of sustainable energy solutions, focusing on renewable energy and energy efficiency. Their diverse range of services includes solar power systems, energy audits, energy management consulting, and the implementation of energy-saving technologies.For more information on their innovative and eco-friendly energy solutions, visit their website here.